Getting cash back is always a great incentive just for downloading a FREE app on your phone. There are so many available cash back rewards from so many different companies. TopCashBack and Ibotta are two of the more commonly known brands. You can easily start getting money back for spending on items you’ve already been buying. Cash back can add up overtime and certainly be used towards a gift or two. Checkout some of the websites we’ve found and add to the comments if you have a few others to share with the network.
Seeing how a president must be at or above the age of 35 years, should there be a maximum age limit on future presidents?
Discussion is happening now.
Are the covid variants really getting more dangerous or it this a way to force the unknown to get vaccinated?
Let us know your opinion in the discussion.
How can scientist determine how long the covid vaccine will be effective if this is a new vaccination that has had limited studies within the last year?
According to the FDA website, scientist have been creating this vaccine for the last three (3) years.
If global warming has caused us to have twice as many hurricanes in the last year, will it get worse from here on out or will there be a change?
According to an article posted on Nasa, our planets climate change will continue to rise. There is recorded data that has measured the duration of droughts, the rise in sea level and much more, that indicate that the global climate change is greatly impacting the future of earth. It doesn’t seem to be any immediate changes we can make to slow the affects of this natural process. However, we can all contribute to what is happening now. An example being, limiting your share amount of air pollution or being cautious when camping and putting out any man-made fires.
Do any studies show that the current wildfires on the west coast are a result from global warming?
This year we’ve endured many unfortunate natural disasters. One of them being the wildfires on the west coast in California.
Will these outbreaks ever get under control?
We sure hope so.